50 Round Practice Match
Practice match is run in the same format and time constraints that you will encounter at NRA, CMP, State and National matches.
This match is designed to prepare shooters for what they can expect at these matches.
Matches are on the second Sunday of the month, weather permitting all year.
Squadding begins at 8 a.m. in the club house and closes at 8:30 First shot begins promptly at 9 a.m. and is finished at noon.
This match is shot in two relays.
–200 yards–
When the relay is called to the line there is a three minute non-firing preparation period.
Followed by two sighting shots (two minutes) for your 10 shots standing in 10 minutes
Next there will be two sighting shots (two minutes) for the 10 shots rapid sitting. You have 60 seconds for phase of the match.
–300 yards –
Prep period, two sighters, two minutes; 10 shots rapid prone, 70 seconds
Using a 600 yard reduced target for 20 slow fire prone shots in 20 minutes.
Match fee: $5:00
Contact Match Director
E-Mail: Mark Dorger