Shooting Disciplines



Miami Rifle and Pistol Club has many specific disciplines of shooting. Each discipline has its own Match Director, organized weekend matches and some weekday morning and evening matches.

For specific information about a discipline, the contact information for the match director, the schedule of matches or the scores from previous matches, look within the respective discipline’s page.

To see a complete listing of matches and schedules by date please see the club calendar.

To learn more about what Miami Rifle & Pistol Club has to offer for a particular discipline please choose from the discipline menu option to the right.

A signed Liability Release Form is required for a non-member competitor or a non-member spectator each calendar year and for each shooting discipline. Click here for the Liability Release Form.

500/600 Yard Certification

For practice, Members must be qualified to shoot from the 500 yard or 600 yard firing point by successfully completing the certification class. See here for the 500/600 Yard Certification detail information.