600 Yard Benchrest Matches
You may shoot with a portable bench or prone with a bipod. Scoring is the same.
500 / 600 yard Certification
This certification is ONLY required to use the 500 / 600 yd line for unsupervised practice and is ONLY available to MRPC Members. This certification is NOT required to participate in matches at MRPC that use the 500 / 600 yd line. Click here to learn more about the 500/600 Yard Certification process.
If the student uses a rest they will only be certified to shoot 600 yds with a rest. If the student doesn’t qualify they may attend the next class and try again. No advanced registration required. Contact vp_rifle@miamirifle-pistol.org with any questions.
First you will establish a good 300 yd zero and then have to adjust your sights and hit the target at 600 yds in 2 shots and then keep 10 shots in the scoring rings.
Contact Match Director(s)
Phil French
Email: fossilfrench@outlook.com
Phone: 937-287-4766
Joe Lohse
Email: joseph.lohse14@gmail.com
Phone: 513-965-1709