Miami Rifle & Pistol Club


Miami Rifle & Pistol Club Membership

Like to shoot? Interested in competition? Or just want to practice or sight-in your firearms?

MR&PC welcomes prospective new members. Due to the great interest in joining our club, it is now necessary to register online for the New Member Orientation through the Membership Management System (MMS). New Member Orientation is held on the on the 1st Saturday of each month, February through December.

Please register on our waiting list. When it’s your time to attend orientation, you will be contacted by email with a New Member orientation meeting date. We ask that you arrive at 12:30 as orientation begins promptly at 1 PM. The orientation meeting generally lasts about three hours and is held at the clubhouse followed by a tour of the facilities regardless of the weather. Please wear appropriate clothes and shoes as the grounds may be wet or muddy. Arrange your schedule to stay for the entire meeting. You will have to complete a work day (see below) before your application is accepted. No fees or dues are collected at the orientation.

Membership at Miami Rifle and Pistol Club is open to all persons without regard to race, religion, gender, or national origin.

Membership Requirements

  • Must be a member in good standing of the National Rifle Association.
  • Must not be a member of any group or organization whose purpose is the overthrow by force or violence the government of the United States or it’s political subdivisions.
  • Must not have been convicted of a felony in any court of the United States, its possessions, or the District of Columbia.
  • Must not be a fugitive from justice.
  • You must be 14 to 18 for Junior membership and 19 or older for Resident members.

For further information contact the Membership Chairman

For directions to Miami Rifle and Pistol Club, visit the Location page

Application for Membership

Please register on the MMS waiting list to apply to become a Resident or Non-Resident Member. Only register once. We invite about 30 applicants per month for a New Member Orientation.  Current waiting time is estimated between 36 to 48 months if you register today. While you are waiting to become a member, you are invited to participate in any of our competitive matches open to the general public listed on our website calendar . Participation in a match gives you one AWL credit (see below for details) This moves you up the waiting list.

Steps to becoming a member:

  • Apply online – see above
  • Receive an email inviting you to a New Member Orientation.  This happens when your turn comes up on the waiting list.
  • Attend the New Member Orientation (no payments are required or accepted)
  • Provide 8 hours of service work.  Either work a couple “work-days” or one work day and a half day match or a match that qualifies for 8 hours of credit.  (Click here to view or download work credits per match) This is explained at the orientation.
  • Submit your completed work record for board approval. This is explained at the orientation.
  • Board approves your application.
  • Receive a new member invoice for the initiation fee and initial membership.
  • Pay invoice online via credit/debit card.
  • Membership badge is mailed to you – You’re a Member!

If you wish to join as a Spouse Member or a Junior Member you must first create an application profile on the MMS (see the registration link directly below).  A Spouse or Junior is a family member of a CURRENT MRPC member. Send an email to the Membership Chairman (see email link directly above) to schedule the orientation.  There is no waiting list for a Spouse or Junior member applicant.  The Spouse or Junior will then receive an invitation email for the next scheduled orientation or the orientation date you prefer.  Refer to the club calendar for New Member Orientation meeting day and time.

Click here to Apply ) for membership as a Resident, Non-Resident Member, Spouse, or Junior.

AWL – Accelerated Waiting List

For those on the waiting list to become a new MRPC member there is a way to advance your position and it’s called the AWL – Accelerated Waiting List. You can move your position in increments of 30 days several ways.  Do some work for the club on a workday or at a match that needs setup / tear-down help or shoot a match. Once you have earned 24 credits you move to the TOP of the list!

  • Workdays – Come out the first Saturday of the month by 8:00am and help till noon.
  • Work at a match that needs help.
  • Shoot a match – If the match needs help AND you shoot it you get TWO credits for doing both. If the match allows you to shoot more than one gun you only get ONE credit for the shooting part even if you shoot more than one gun.
  • If you have questions regarding what you can do to earn credits, contact

To claim your credit(s):

Take a picture of one or more of the following:

The sign-in sheet for the workday with your name on it.

For work at a match use a piece of paper or the back of a scorecard and have the match director sign that you worked;

For match participation your scorecard

Then send one picture at a time to –

Note: Very important:

  • Only send one item per email.  In other words do not attach more than one match score card per email or more than one work sign-in sheet or any combination on the same email.  Your advancement is counted by the email with a single item attached.
  • Be sure to include your First Last name and your MRPC Member Number in your email to get credit.  Your Member Number is shown in your MMS profile.

Each email received advances your waiting list position by 30 increments (approximately 30 days), and once you reach 24 AWL credits, you are moved to the top of the waiting list.

You can also see the number of credits you have toward your AWL position in your MMS profile.

Current Resident Member fees

Yearly Dues – $120.00.
First Year Initiation Fee of $200.00 plus eight (8) hours of volunteer time at the club.

Other Family Member fees

Spouse Member yearly Dues – $20.00.
First Year Initiation fee of $15.00

Junior Member yearly Dues – $20.00.
No initiation fee.

For current Members and In-Process Applicants enter the Membership Management System, MMS, by clicking the button below. Sign in instructions are explained on the FAQ’s page,

MMS - Membership Management System